Thinkin' Too Much

Exsisting in a bubble of confusion most call adulthood. Defining life while striving to be the best wife, mommy, daughter, and friend I can be.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Happy Due-Date to Me!

Today has been my original due-date and June 14th is Dr. Cool Guy's date, so I suppose if Elizabeth is born any time between today and Wednesday, she will be considered right-on-time. 90% of all babies are born either the week before or the week after their actual due-date.

I had another rather discouraging dr. appointment yesterday and it sounds as if I still may have another week. I am ok with that at this moment in time, but Mr. Thinkin' is ready for the roller-coaster ride that is my emotional state to be over! I requested to have my "membranes-stripped" as I was still just 50% effaced and 1 1/2 cent. dilated. It was less than pleasant, and I'm not sure it did much, but it was worth a shot.

Part of the reason I have been so determined to have this baby before her due-date, has been WM birthday (June 18th). I really didn't want to be in the hospital during his special day. The fact of the matter, he is two and will not remember when we had his birthday party. The invites are out for the 17th, but we may have to move it. The end of the world? Nope.

At the appointment, we discussed briefly induction, and since we were really hoping for a natural experience, we won't even consider it until after the 22nd. Dr. Cool Guy will not let us go beyond the 28th. So there you have it. I know this might not be surprising to most of you, but to me it is novel.....are you ready for this.....I am NOT going to be pregnant for the rest of my life!

Please send all your water-breaking vibes my way!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

For comparison...

Here is a belly shot from 28 weeks...

The End...

Documentation of what I hope is soon to be the end.
The date on the camera is wrong, this pic was actually taken this morning.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

38.5 and Nothin'

So, I guess the lesson is that if you deliver your baby early and never get to the miserable last month of pregnancy, you are one lucky duck!!!

I am struggling over here!!! We went to the dr. yesterday and I am closed up like a 16 year old virgin! The dr. (used to be Dr. Cool Guy, but is now Dr. On My Nerves!) said I am right on track to deliver around my due-date! GRRREEAAAAATTTT!!!! This all-natural girl is starting to understand the appeal of scheduled c-sections and inductions! Too bad I have spent the last three years brain-washing my husband to believe those things are evil!

I am really trying to keep my sense of humor around all this, but yesterday I had to have a good cry! My mom told me that feeling sorry for myself wouldn't bring the girlie on any sooner (thanks mom). All things work out for the best in their own time, and I just need to be patient. I am just excited to meet my little girl AND I want my body back!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Still No Baby...17 days to go?

So, because I delivered WM at 37 weeks, I was just sure the same would happen with all my children (stop laughing, I can hear you...a girl can hope can't she?). Today is 37.4 and other then some general cramping every now and then, there are true no signs of the big event. I am still carrying high and then baby is moving like crazy. I am not totally going crazy because I still have a list of little nesting projects to keep me busy.

Today is the last day Mr. Thinkin' is traveling for work, so this wouldn't be the best day to deliver if I want him here, which I suppose I do. He feels like I have been wishing the baby here too early, but once you have delivered a healthy baby 37 weeks, that seems like enough. Doesn't it? Really, not to sound silly, but I think men should be able to be pregnant too. I told Mr. Thinkin' the other night that I hope he is reincarnated as an elephant that has to be pregnant for two years at a time. Not nice I know, but that gives you some insight to my hormones!

WM has been SUPER clingy for a couple of weeks, and I would say it's 50% sensing an impending change and 50% just his age. I have been praying for a smooth transition to "big brotherhood" for him and our family. He will be two in three weeks. I REALLY hope EM is here and settled before his birthday. I have done most of the party planning and have the invites are ready to go just in case they need to be mailed when I am at the hospital.

I need to schedule the prenatal massage the Mr. Thinkin' got me for Mother's Day. A little part of me would like to save it for after the birth. I do have a pedicure scheduled for Saturday morning. I am looking forward to that...everyone needs to have pretty pigs for their hospital stay. :)

So, waiting for baby, that about wraps it up.